Installation and production

Image by Paula Marengo, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence (CC-BY 4.0)

We aim to install 100 kWp photovoltaic system on the rooftop of three buildings in Nobelparken in Aarhus. The objective is to maximize self-consumption on site, and the surplus is injected back to the grid during times when the consumption in these buildings is lower than production from PV system. No battery system is planned. 

From PVGIS website, we estimate that roughly 89 MWh will be produced yearly by a 100 kWp PV system installed in Aarhus. Once the installation is completed, we will update the website with real-life number. 

Status NOW: 

We have received a few offers from local solar companies for the whole installation. The board is evaluating the offers together with member volunteers, and we expect to come to an decision in April.