Universitetets Energifællesskab F.M.B.A. (UEF)

Who is UEF? 

Founded in August 2023, UEF is an energy community in the form of a solar cooperative in Aarhus, Denmark. Members of the cooperative crowdfund and co-own a rooftop photovoltaic installation on a few buildings at Aarhus University (AU). The aim of the cooperative is to provide its members and the local areas with environmental, economic and social benefits. We are coop and non-profit. Read more about our story on the About Us page. 

What are the benefits specifically? 

The space on the rooftop gets used; AU gets clean electricity that is locally produced. Members of UEF get economic returns yearly based on their share and the amount of electricity that is produced and sold. In addition, UEF holds energy-related discussions and workshops for members. Find out more about the different activities on the Events page. 

How to become a member? 

By participating in the crowdfunding and buying one or more shares in the rooftop solar installation, you become a memember of UEF. Go to the Crowdfunding FAQ page to find out more. The crowdfunding is open now.